Saturday, July 16, 2016

Road to Incendium: 6 Days Left

Plans were cancelled today, but somehow, we did made significant progress in preparation for Incendium.

The Orignal Plan

We had a plan of staying at one of our developer's house to work together in one roof. However, due to some circumstances, we weren't all able to make it; leading to the decision to just cancel the plan. It was decided that all of us would just communicate online constantly and see to it that we complete our goals for today.

Marketing Collaterals

The production of the collaterals of Project: Einherjar starts today. The ideas for the materials that we will be bring on Incendium continues to overflow. We have to make sure that we choose the right collaterals that will maximize the promotion of the game. In the next few days, we will officially release the Title of the game along with the images of the collaterals that we have prepared for everyone in Incendium. Stay tuned to see those!

Major Updates

Further development on our Boss enemy also happened today. A new animation shall be ready before the day ends and a better behavior shall be seen in the next few days. Also, other features such as the Bifrost and Tether were polished today.

So far, the Team is on track with their goals before Incendium. Stay tuned to see if more updates regarding our progress in the last few days before the release of Project: Einherjar.