Saturday, July 9, 2016

[Design] The Brainstorming Process

On this first Design Log, we're going to cover how we started from our shared interest up to how we discovered our influences to fully flesh out the idea of the game.

Shared Interest

     Wondering how this project came to life? Well, it started with an dream (cliche', we know). And I guess a little bit of research too.

     For our First Capstone project, we wanted to create a third person shooter game, something that none of us really know how to create. Also, after a few months of studying and just playing around with the engine, we wanted to try and officially create a game using Unreal Engine 4. Although this may seem to be a rash choice, the group really considered it. If there's something that we always do, it is to make calculated risks.

Academic Research

     Since this is an academic project, we first did some research to decide our approach or framework for the game. As a group, we decided to focus on the Learning process of an individual. Eventually, we encountered one of the well-known concepts of teaching: Transfer of Learning.

    According to D. Perkins, Transfer of Learning is the ability to apply skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes that were initially learned from one situation to a different situation. Basically, the context of learning is different from actual application.

Looking for Inspiration

     With Transfer of Learning in mind, we started brainstorming about a game the involves a shooting mechanics that can be used in different situations. Thinking about it, there are alot of approaches for shooters. One cool approach is Portal's approach. Their bullets can create portal for you to reach one position to another. Most games use bullets for combat. But, the team needs to think of a situation where a gun or a bullet is used for multiple situations.

    Along with that, we also wanted to present a story for our game. We had an idea of having a Cyberpunk themed setting with a Norse Mythology influence would look cool. Also, revolving around a situation like Ragnarok would be awesome! We then decided to research further on Norse myth to see how we can further translate it into a Cyberpunk setting.

     In one of our research, we learned about a bridge called Bifrost.  It is the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard (the world of the Aesir gods) with Midgard (the world of Humans). And with this information, we had our EUREKA MOMENT and then the birth of Project: Einherjar followed.


Game Concept

     The group came up with a concept that we pitched to our adviser. We wanted to make an Action Role-Playing Third Person Shooter that contains some Platforming elements which would require the player to move around alot. In a way, we wanted to create a game that is fast paced and offers some level customization of skills.

    The game will have a Cyberpunk Setting that will revolve around an operation to eradicate Valhalla Corporation through Operation: Ragnarok. It will occur in Midgard, where its Government would like to preserve a society away from threat. Odin, the head scientist and CEO of Valhalla Corporation, is leading a specialized unit called Valkyrie to different areas that contain special materials that they can use to upgrade their machineries and increase the defenses against their foes. (More about the Story on another Design Log)

     As for the core Game Loop, the player will play as a Valkyrie with an objective to retrieve a special material that can be used to their advantage in the war. Ofcourse, there will be alot of enemies that would hinder her progress. Enemies and Platforming Puzzles will be the main obstacles of the game. Defeating enemies would reward into skill points that would allow the player to increase the Valkyrie's capabilities. 

    The main highlight of our pitch is the three main features of the game.
  1. Bifrost System - aside from the Valkyrie's combat bullet, she will have special bullet that can connect two objects and create a bridge between them. Areas that are too far can be accessed using this. Also, objects can be pulled towards each other. (This was later changed into a different system called 'Tether System')
  2. Body Parts System - enemies will have weakpoints. Some of them will have their weakpoints placed on hidden areas of their body. Utilizing the Bifrost System's Pulling Capabilities (Now, 'Tether System') will allow the Valkyrie to reveal the parts of the enemy and shoot at it.
  3. Einherjar System - throughout levels, dead people can be discovered. The Valkyrie has a special ability to scan a dead person and obtain its cognitive functions. In a way, the Valkyrie can see the person's last moments. As a reaction to extreme emotions, special abilities can be unlocked which can help change the tides of battles.

The group's process in preparation for our pitch is something that is very significant for us. Starting a new project always excite us as we this as another opportunity to push ourselves to our limits.

Up next will be more about the game's story and characters. Stay tuned!